Contents of file "Makefile"

testapp: postforth
	cd samples && ./hello.4th
postforth: pfkern
pfkern: pf
pf: f
	./f < pf.4th
f: f.o
	ld -o f f.o
	./fixup f 0x4c 7 # change r-x to rwx for .text section
	./fixup f 0x6a 0x03 # change bss_size from zero to whatever
	./fixup f 0x6c 7 # change rw- to rwx for .bss section
f.o: f.s
	as -o f.o f.s
	rm -f f.list f.o core
distclean: clean
	rm -f f pf hello pfkern postforth samples/hello
distribution: distclean
	cd .. && tar cvfz postforth.tgz postforth